SB51 Launch Nose Steel

Revision Zero successfully completed the SB51 Launch Nose project in the first quarter of 2023. The Launch Nose steel, crucial for twin bridge launching, is strategically located approximately 14.7 kilometres south of Sydney along Airport Road, spanning the Alexandra Canal.

The SB51 Launch Nose Steel plays a pivotal role in temporarily attaching to the front of the bridge. This attachment facilitates the smooth launching of the twin Arch Bridges, which were under assembly at the Tempe site. These twin Arch Bridges establish the vital connection between Sydney Gateway and West Connex at the St Peters Interchange, serving the increasing passenger and air freight traffic. The Launch Nose steel components, constructed from stiffened steel plates or truss, collectively account for about 60% of the bridge’s span. These components are adeptly moved using sliding rollers on the abutment approach, traversing the entire span.

Revision Zero was honoured to be entrusted with the responsibility of providing 3D models and the preparation of workshop fabrication drawings, which detailed the structural steel, weighing approximately 447 tons. This project presented numerous challenges owing to its intricate nature. However, the final outcome exceeded expectations, demonstrating our commitment to delivering exceptional results.