Windell Marfil – Team Leader

Revision Zero is so proud to announce our first NISD Qualified Detailer. Congratulations, Windell Marfil.

Revision Zero established a training program that encouraged team members to study with Revision Zero support and guidance. This program has been running for over a year in preparation for the NIISD exam.

With Windell passing his exam and becoming accredited this month, he now shines as an example to others. He is now passing on his experience and leading the next study group preparing for the exam. Revision Zero believes that we need to continue to grow and educate where possible and give opportunity for that commitment to continued learning to be recognized. The NISD IDC program is a perfect tool for that.

The National Institute of Steel Detailing has created the Individual Detailer Certification Program (I.D.C.) in response to the steel industry’s need to determine the skill level of individuals performing steel detailing services. Industry professionals are in search of talented detailers who have the knowledge and capability to produce quality shop drawings within the framework of various codes, specifications and contract documents. The IDC program has been established to examine and evaluate an individual’s detailing knowledge and issue a certificate attesting to that level of knowledge.

Watch this space for more awesome talent being recognized and obtaining IDC Accreditation.