Mining & Resources

  • CSA Glencore Cobar Mine
    CSA Glencore Cobar Mine
    Mining & Resources
  • Curragh ROM Upgrade
    Curragh ROM Upgrade
    Mining & Resources
CSA Glencore Cobar Mine
A $65 million project currently underway is the upgrade of the No1 Shaft at the Glencore CSA Cobar Mine. The No1 shaft was decommisioned in the late 1990’s and is utilised predominately as a down cast ventilation shaft.


Categories :
Mining & Resources
Curragh ROM Upgrade
The Curragh Coal Mine is part of Wesfarmers Resources and is located in the Bowen Basin 30km north of Blackwater, QLD. The main product from the mine is metallurgical (coking) coal for export.


Categories :
Mining & Resources